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Let God be true but every man a liar

There are so many headlines in the news today. Did you ever think to yourself the stuff you're reading and seeing in the news is crazy?

Well, you are not alone if you answered yes.

However, the only truth is YAH ALL MIGHTY! When you are connected to Him (the Source), you will not be moved. 2 Samuel 2:22

Satan desires us to live in torment, lies, and deceitfulness. He is the father of Babylon, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

We're hearing about these wars, and rumors of wars. Seeing corruption at an all time high. Seeming as if the bad gets worst with every moment of the day. Our Father said these days would come. They are coming as birth pangs- Matthew 24:8

Please remember to stay calm. Isaiah 7:4

Stay connected to the Most High YAH.

You do that by reading, praying, & stay in communication with Him.

When you are always in His Word, He can direct you. You can see the demonic agenda behind this world. His Word will stand true, and every man be a liar.

They are out here trying to be gods.

Desiring to know your thoughts, what you spend your money on.

Who you have in your home, etc......

Trying to live forever.

Do you know the evil with that?

Living forever in the current state they are in, is to live in SIN. YAH is salvation, without Him you will have to live in torment.

However, to live with Him is to live in peace, His rest. Hebrews 4:9-11

Today is the day of salvation! None of us are promised any days of our lives. So choose Him now, while we are still under His grace!

The times ahead are going to call for you to have a relationship with Him. You will desire to hear His voice for direction. You know His voice and His ways when you study His Word (the bible).

Go to the Father and repent of all sin, with a humble heart. Repent means to turn away from. Not just apologetic, but a sincere CHANGE of heart.

May YAH bless and keep you



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