Living without Elohim?
Have you read the book of Ecclesiastes?
This is amazing like all of the bible, but this book speaks from King Solomon on life with & without Elohim.
There are 12 chapters, and we are starting "The 12 Days Of Ecclesiastes".
It's also a contrasting look at life with & without El.
Just as He has given us all free will, we can choose to acknowledge Him or not.
Things we need to understand:
We are a mixture of dust from the earth & the life El has breathed into us
We were created to be morally upright
Our hearts were created to worship the Most Hight El
The earth's system was designed by El to work for our benefit
Due to sin, it has not been so on all accounts.
After reading this book, hopefully it will be evident that life is a daily gift from our creator.